Our Missionaries

Christ’s command to “make disciples of all nations” in Matthew 28 is the mission of the church. At Grace Rancho we believe Christ intends to use the local church around the world to fulfill this mission. We aim to be a part of reaching the nations in our church and through supporting missions work around the globe. Below you can find a list of the missionaries we currently support. If you would like to know more about our missionaries, or learn how to contact and encourage them, please contact us.

S.O.S Ministries — Uganda

Sufficiency of Scripture Ministries is comprised of a local church, pastoral training center, and school located in Kubamitwe, Uganda. It was started and is led by Shannon Hurley and his family (pictured above). You can learn more about S.O.S. and their other missionaries at www.sosministries.com.


Cecil & Deb O’Dell

The O’dells work in Japanese Returnee Ministry in Long Beach, CA. They reach primarily students in Long Beach, who upon returning to Japan can begin ministries and continue to spread the Gospel in the unreached country of Japan.

Tim & Louise Carey — Latin America

The Careys serve with Wycliffe Bible Translators working to translate and provide translation consultation for various language groups.


Ralph & Joan Justiniano

The Justinanios have served in Japan for over 20 years. Their focus has been church planting and making disciples, training national believers to lead and preach in these churches.

Mike & Michelle — Southeast Asia

Mike and Michelle are our global partners in Southeast Asia. They are part of a team that seeks to integrate spiritual, social and physical transformation through a social enterprise coffee business and a vocational training program for young adults with intellectual disabilities.